Saturday, January 10, 2009

We're Home + 100th Post

This marks my 100th post! I've been blogging for almost 2 years, so that isn't much of an accomplishment. But most of it has been in the last 6 months. Well, aside from that I don't know what to say about it, except maybe YAY BLOGGING! :)

We just got back from Arizona yesterday afternoon. After picking up the dogs and getting settled back in we were pretty tired and went to bed. I've been having some pretty bad stomach pain along with heartburn the last four days and it woke me up around 1:30 this morning. I couldn't take it anymore and Dave took me to the ER. We didn't get home until around 7am. It turns out that I have gallstones. I started to feel much better while at the hospital - it seems to come and go. They said they didn't need to operate right now and released me, but I'll be checking back in with my regular doctor next week. Hopefully the pain stays away. I've had a few episodes over the last 8 months or so, but never more than one night. Maybe stress brings it on!

There was a lot of flooding in the Olympia area while we were gone. The freeway was shut down South of here. (Evergreen, how did you guys do?) The roads that lead out to the dog sitter were only opened Friday morning. It was fortunate! I'm not sure we would have been able to get to the boys if they weren't. Everything was fine at our house. We live in such a great spot and never seem to have trouble with those kinds of things.

We're really glad to be home (even with the hospital visit!). Our trip was really good and the service was nice. We spent a lot of time with the family and going through LaNell's (Dave's Mom) leftover things. They needed to be divided up and the rest set aside for donation or sale. I know that was really hard for everyone. I was glad to be able to help in anyway I could. I'm going to miss her and wish that I had more time to get to know her better. I know she felt the same way. We had talked about that when we were down there the week before her passing. Although, I feel like I do after this week. Hearing all the memories shared really seems to have made me feel closer to her.


  1. Gall stones sounds nasty hope it gets sorted soon.

    Congrats on 100 posts.

  2. ouch. Gallstones. My wife suffers too. That's really too bad. Good luck. Mick
