Friday, January 30, 2009


I make things. At least I dream about making things. Usually that's about as far as it goes. But I've been meaning to share a couple mixed media pieces I made for loved ones this Christmas.

This one is for a family friend that is currently going through chemo and radiation treatments and soon, surgery to remove cancer on her lung. It's very serious and I just keep thinking about how scary that would be. How I would feel and what I would need to hear during such a difficult time. I keep coming back to one thing. Something that I struggle with on a daily basis... Hope. So, this was my gift to her. Hoping that it would comfort her just a little.

And this one I made for my Momma just because she's cute. :)

Hope you all have a lovely weekend. We are off to our foster parent class tomorrow. I'll give you a little more details on how all that is going, maybe next week.


  1. Oh I love them! I really like your style. What are the media? I hope your class today goes well.

  2. Hope your foster parenting clas went well! Love the little designs!

  3. I love the first one! That would be framed and hung in my dining room. =)
